Recipe: Hemp Protein-Pancakes
Do you need a delicious and protein-rich start to your day? Then our hemp protein-pancakes are the perfect choice for you!
Needed for approx. 4 pancakes:
- 100 g flour
- 30 g Signature Products hemp protein
- 2 eggs
- 200 ml milk (oatmilk or cowmilk)
- a pinch of salt
Pour the flour and the hemp protein in a bowl and add two eggs. Spice it up with a pinch of salt and slowly add the milk. Now mix it all with a whisk. The batter should be quite liquid so that you can make thin pancakes.
Heat the pan with some fat. Pour in the batter so that the entire bottom of the pan is covered. Turn over the pancake after about 2 minutes, when the batter isn’t liquid anymore.
The pancakes taste very good with jam, honey, maple syrup, nutella, fruits,...
Hemp Protein
Wholesale of hemp protein “Made in Germany”. Hemp protein offers highest nutritional values.