"I have experienced first hand and truly believe in the power of hemp and I want to share this with as many people as possible." - Matthew
Since I started at Signature just over a year ago, I have loved the team, the ambition and the vision.

The first thing that comes to my mind when I think about Signature is our CEO Florian, because he is the person behind it all and a great leader. Having faith in leadership is a key thing for me and since I started at Signature just over a year ago, I have loved the team, the ambition and the vision.

My job at Signature is to build relationships and win new customers, especially at the Spanish and British markets.
When I wake up in the morning I have a cup of tea first, meditate and go for a walk or a run. For me, this is just a great way to start my day. After that, at about 9am, I start checking my emails and sorting out admin stuff. At 10am we have our Kick-off call for the Sales team where I motivate the team and make sure everyone is in a good headspace and ready to attack the day. Subsequently I send some emails or jump on the phone and start making calls and attending meetings. These can be already existing customers, possible new customers, other CBD Brands,... At about 1pm I have a lunch break before starting again with some mail or admin stuff. Afterwards I get back on the phone and do some more calls until around 6 or 7pm.
My favourite part of the day can differ from day to day. Sometimes it’s the satisfaction of completing a hard day's work and leaving the gym in the evening. On other days it’s my lunch if the food is especially good. And some days it’s just my dog going crazy waking me up in the morning.

The work at Signature is very special in many ways. For example, almost everyone on our team works remotely. This gives me the freedom of working at home or wherever I like, free time schedule and being able to cook food (constantly). I can even travel on a boat, train or plane and still be able to do my daily work. Yes, I’ve already done all 3.
But especially the sales work at a Startup like Signature is much different than at a long existing company. At old companies you have big books with SOP’s (Standard Operating Procedures) which tell you the exact way to do everything. You are often given a script and you know who you will be talking to and what to say. Everything is measured and very thought out. Whereas in a Startup you are writing rules as you go, this means you must be very creative in the ways you find those magic customers. Young Startups don't have credibility like old companies, rather we have to build and prove this credibility every day.
It’s a lot more complex but also more free, more fun, more rewarding and more fulfilling as you have more control of your destiny.
Working in the hemp industry is a personal passion of mine. I used to play rugby a lot but had a bad car crash when I was 21 years old. One consequence of this was chronic back pain, and for years I took a lot of prescription medications that doctors gave me. Unfortunately, these medicines had many side effects and caused me to gain weight and become very unhealthy. CBD and other Cannabinoids were my way to get off those medications and become healthy again.
I have experienced first hand and truly believe in the power of hemp and I want to share this with as many people as possible.