Recipe: Hemp Seed Butter
Are you bored of the usual bread spreads and fancy something new? How about homemade Hemp Seed Butter?
Are you bored of the usual bread spreads and fancy something new? How about homemade Hemp Seed Butter with our Signature Products Hemp Seeds? It's super easy to make, has a high nutritional value and is of course super tasty!
- 125 g peeled hemp seeds
- 1/2 tablespoon salt
- optional: vegetable oil
Place the peeled hemp seeds and salt in the food processor and blend until homogeneous. You probably have to stop it every now and then and scrape the mixture off the edge because it gets stuck here. If you feel that the mixture is not coming together properly, gradually add a little vegetable oil until the mixture becomes homogeneous.
Fill youre finished Hemp Seed Butter in a container and put it into the fridge. It should last for at least a week.
If you like, you can sweeten it with a little honey or maple syrup, but it also tastes great with just the added salt.