Signature Products GmbH and Die Hanf-App GmbH cooperate with NaturalFIBER

Signature Products GmbH and Die Hanf-App GmbH have recently become members of the NaturalFIBER Circle, an important initiative within the NaturalFIBER BW project of the Alliance of Fibre-based Materials Baden-Württemberg (AFBW).

Signature Products GmbH - Allianz Faserbasierter Werkstoffe Baden-Württemberg e.V.

A Commitment to Sustainable Development

The NaturalFIBER BW project is driven by the urgent need for an ecological structural change from an economy based on fossil raw materials to a green economy. This change is particularly important in the textile industry, one of the largest consumers of resources worldwide. There is a great responsibility here to actively shape a sustainable future.

The project focuses on intensifying the cultivation and use of natural fibres such as hemp, flax and nettle, which are of central importance for regional biodiversity and the development of local value chains.

Vision and Goals

The NaturalFIBER BW project was launched to combat climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental pollution—issues threatening ecological balance.

Under the motto "MehrWERT durch Netzwerk" (Added Value through Networking), the initiative intends to promote a rethink towards sustainable change in agriculture and the fibre processing industry by networking all players in the natural fibre value chain in order to support sustainable practices in these areas. It strives to transform Baden-Württemberg into a model region for natural fibres, from cultivation to application, inspiring stakeholders and cultivating new economic ecosystems within the region.

Hemp vs. Cotton: 12 Reasons why Hemp is the Better Choice
Hemp is more sustainable, environmentally friendly and higher yielding than cotton. In this article, we’ll give you 12 reasons why hemp may be a better choice.

Building New Value Chains Through Collaboration

The initiative has the goal of creating a vibrant network that connects agricultural producers, processing companies, industrial users, research groups and start-ups. The purpose of this collaboration is to develop resource-efficient production systems and innovative processing methods that reduce dependence on energy and raw material imports.

A Platform for Innovation and Sustainability

Signature Products GmbH, a company in the field of industrial hemp production and processing, and Die Hanf-App GmbH, a provider of software systems for the legal cultivation and consumption of cannabis in the context of cannabis clubs, are now also members of this initiative. We attach great importance to innovative and sustainable industrial practices and are pleased to be able to support the project with our knowledge and contacts.

Die Hanf-App GmbH - Allianz Faserbasierter Werkstoffe Baden-Württemberg e.V.

Embracing the Future of Natural Fibres

NaturalFIBER BW is not just about improving sustainability in the textile industry. It is about setting a precedent for how regions can utilise local resources to drive economic and environmental progress. With this project, Baden-Württemberg wants to show how the use of natural fibres can lead to innovative progress in sustainable production and environmental protection.

This makes NaturalFIBER BW an important initiative on the road to a sustainable future and we at Signature Products GmbH and Die Hanf-App GmbH are happy to be part of this transformative movement.

Photo by Joseph Young / Unsplash