Volkswagen and Revoltech GmbH explore hemp-based car interiors

In collaboration with the German start-up company Revoltech GmbH, Volkswagen is developing a hemp-based material for vehicle interiors, thereby taking a step towards more sustainable vehicle production. This cooperation, rooted in the shared goal of advancing sustainable material use, is positioned to introduce industrial hemp as a key component in Volkswagen models by 2028.

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What role does hemp play in the automotive industry and why are there no hemp cars for sale yet? Find it out here.

Kai Grünitz, Volkswagen’s Board Member for Technical Development, expressed the company's commitment to embracing innovative ideas from various sectors, focusing on creative and sustainable solutions for vehicle development.

Andreas Walingen, Head of Strategy at Volkswagen, emphasized that the sustainable use of resources is integral to their ACCELERATE strategy, aiming to blend customer preferences with sustainability and corporate objectives.

Lucas Fuhrmann, CEO and co-founder of Revoltech GmbH, introduced their project's centerpiece, LOVR, which stands for leather-free, oil-free, vegan and residue-based. It is a surface material designed for the automotive industry, made entirely from industrial hemp combined with fully bio-based adhesives. Not only is this material fully recyclable and compostable at the end of its lifecycle, but it also can be manufactured on existing industrial equipment, facilitating easy scalability. This product reflects a commitment to sustainability, showcasing the potential for large-scale application of hemp in automotive manufacturing.

Photo by Crosby Hinze

Various Volkswagen departments are involved in the collaboration and development - including Materials Engineering, Design and Component Development - and the findings of Volkswagen Group Innovation are being incorporated. This comprehensive approach is aimed at ensuring the material’s adaptability and effectiveness in actual vehicle interiors.

Leather from industrial hemp: innovative and sustainable material for future car interiors
Volkswagen has entered into a cooperation with the German start-up Revoltech GmbH from Darmstadt. The aim is to research and develop sustainable materials based on industrial hemp. These could be used as a sustainable surface material in Volkswagen models from 2028. The material made from 100% bio-b…

Customer response and industry implications

Initial reactions from customer surveys to this innovative material have been positive, reflecting a growing consumer interest in sustainable products. The integration of hemp-based materials in vehicle interiors by 2028 is indicative of a broader industry trend towards incorporating environmentally responsible practices and materials in manufacturing.

This partnership between Volkswagen and Revoltech GmbH could serve as a model for future collaborations in the automotive industry, driving forward the adoption of sustainable materials and practices.

As the project progresses, it will likely offer valuable insights into the feasibility and practicality of replacing traditional car interior materials with more sustainable alternatives.

Photo by Julian Hochgesang