Hemp Tofu: Tasty, Nutritious and Eco-Friendly

Hemp tofu, also known as "hemp-fu" or "hefu", is growing in popularity. Although traditional tofu is actually made from soybeans, hemp seeds can easily be used in their place.

Just like tofu made from soy, hemp tofu also offers a valuable source of high-quality protein and is also rich in fiber, which is why it is easily digestible. It is also low in carbohydrates and high in essential fatty acids, making it a highly nutritious food. Furthermore, hemp tofu contains no cholesterol and has a very low sodium content compared to many other common sources of protein.

Hemp seeds: A healthy protein source
Hemp seeds are a great vegan protein source that go well with almost any dish, from soup to stir-fry. They are great for refining sweet as well as hearty dishes and can be easily integrated into daily meals, e.g. as a topping for porridge, salad or a snack.

For those who have a soy protein intolerance, hemp tofu may offer a suitable alternative. The consumption of hemp tofu also covers the interests of those who follow a plant-based diet or are allergic to dairy products, as hemp seeds contain no allergenic substances. In addition, its distribution also contributes to the dissemination of eco-friendly production methods.

Photo by Airam Dato-on / Unsplash

Hemp tofu combines the versatility of hemp with the versatility of tofu in the kitchen. Just like regular tofu, it can be incorporated into a variety of recipes. Because of its pleasant nutty taste, it goes perfectly with sweet and savory dishes.

Hemp vs soy - which protein source is the best?
If you are interested in trying out a plant-based protein powder, stay tuned! In this article we will compare protein derived from hemp to soy protein isolate.

Hemp tofu can also be easily baked or fried and seasoned generously to mimic the crunchy texture of meat alternatives, but also the flavor of dairy products such as quark. You can enjoy hemp tofu in a sweet sauce made from roasted peaches. It can also be served in combination with various herbs and flavors or with a fine vegetable sauce, e.g. made from potatoes, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus and peppers.

Find out how you can combine hemp seeds with other plant-based foods together to create a hearty, savory taste here.

How is hemp cultivated?
The cultivation of hemp is not that complicated. But depending on where you are located you might need to keep some legal aspects in mind before growing your own industrial hemp.

Compared to soy tofu, hemp tofu has a denser, grainier, slightly crumbly texture that is somewhat reminiscent of tempeh. It is therefore advisable not to cut it into cubes that are too small or slices that are too thin, so that it does not fall apart. Hemp tofu should be treated more carefully than conventional tofu when cooking in the pan. However, finely chopped hemp tofu pieces can also be mixed well in a stew, in scrambled eggs or in spaghetti sauce.

Photo by Jana Leu / Unsplash

The supply of hemp tofu on the market is currently extremely limited and the high quality products are usually quite expensive as they are mostly produced by ethical and ecological manufacturers. Ready-made natural hemp tofu is sold by an Italian company, and seasoned versions in three different flavors are also available from an American company.

Recipe: homemade granola with hemp seeds
This recipe features our Signature Products Hemp Seeds. Enjoy your granola with some plant based yoghurt or milk alternative and fresh fruits.

However, if you don't want to buy ready-made products and would rather decide on the ingredients and taste yourself, you can also make your own hemp tofu at home - it's pretty easy!

One benefit of homemade hemp tofu is that it can be served straight from the fridge without having to cook it again. As a result, significantly fewer vitamins and nutrients are lost.


Peeled hemp seeds


Thoroughly clean hemp seeds with water and chop into smiller pieces. Cook the hemp seed porridge in the water over a low heat for about five minutes while stirring constantly to form creamy hemp milk. We have described in more detail in the following article how you can easily produce hemp milk yourself:

Recipe: hemp milk
Make this creamy and delicious hemp milk at home and profit from its vitamins and trace elements. This recipe inlucdes our Signature Products peeled hemp seeds.

Above 80°C, the proteins begin to denature without the need of any coagulants. Optionally add a pinch of salt and some lemon juice and continue to stir. As soon as the milk has thickened and curdled into lumps, it can be removed from the heat. Allow to cool for 30 to 60 minutes and place the finished hemp quark in a sieve or in a thin cotton cloth and squeeze out to remove the excess water. But be careful, the mixture is hot!

As soon as the base mass is thick enough, the finished tofu can now be cut, formed into the desired shape and packaged. Place it in the fridge and wait 24 hours. Then carefully remove the hemp tofu from the mold. Now it can be used in your recipes.

Have fun trying it out and bon appetit!