Hemp Green Revolution: How hemp supports environmental, social, and governance goals Take a look how hemp aligns perfectly with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) objectives, promoting a sustainable future in numerous ways.
Hemp Winter Hemp: Balancing ecological benefits and economic viability There is a trend towards the cultivation of cover crops in order to achieve ecological and economic goals at the same time. The cultivation of hemp in winter could be a great sustainable opportunity for this goal.
Hemp Industrial hemp in germany and its development The role of industrial hemp in German agriculture has developed with notable dynamism in recent years. This, the expansion of cultivation, the effects on the environment and the diversification of utilisation options will be explored in this article.
Hemp Hemp: The eco-friendly crop perfectly suited for organic farming The rising popularity of organic hemp is no coincidence. The plant's unique agricultural properties make it particularly well-suited for organic farming practices. With 56% of all hemp fields in Germany organically farmed, compared to just 3% for wheat, hemp's resurgence is impressive.
Hemp The Legal Landscape for Cannabis Seeds in Germany The law in Germany differentiates between the cannabis plant and its derivatives, and propagation materials such as seeds and cuttings. Let's explore the legal frame work.
Hemp Classifications of Hemp Products and Trade Statistics Challenges The incomplete coverage of hemp products in trade statistics presents a challenge in gaining a comprehensive understanding of existing markets for industrial hemp. Therefore national sources of trade statistics must be included in addition to the international information.
Hemp Industrial Hemp: Important aspects of cultivation The cultivation of industrial hemp is already legal in some countries, such as Germany, but certain guidelines and recommendations must be followed. Which hemp varieties should I choose and what do I need to look out for when sowing? Find out in the following text.
Hemp Exploring the Impact of Hemp-Based Products on Animal Health and Production Hemp offers a range of general health benefits that extend to both animals and humans. A comprehensive analysis of studies examining the effects of hemp on different animal species reveals a multitude of benefits for animal health, production performance, and nutritional quality.
Hemp Hempcrete: The green future of construction? Hemp, known as a versatile crop, is experiencing a renaissance, also in the construction industry, as hempcrete is becoming a promising material for more environmentally friendly construction.
Hemp Hemp-Seeds and Wheat Gluten: The perfect duo for plant-based meat, reveals Lund University Research In the search for the perfect plant-based meat, researchers at Lund University in Sweden have broken new ground with the help of hemp seeds. This discovery fills a crucial gap in the vegan food market - the lack of a true "meaty" experience.
Hemp Hemp in the food industry: A look at the future Hemp seeds, once a by-product of industrial hemp production, are now attracting the attention of the food industry due to their high nutritional value thanks to their high oil and protein content and their antioxidants.
Magazine Which building materials can be made from hemp? Insights into the diversity and sustainability of hemp We would like to introduce you to some innovative building materials that can be made from hemp and could revolutionise the construction industry.
Hemp Fresh food as medicine | Your Natural Pharmacy: Why Hemp Foods are the Nutritional Powerhouses you've been missing In an age of modern medicine, it’s easy to forget that food can be the most basic yet most powerful form of medicine. Here's a reminder that sometimes, the best solutions are grown, not made.
Hemp Unlocking the Secrets of Cannabis Aromas Recent research has shattered some common myths about what gives cannabis its unique scents. This discovery challenges the longstanding belief that terpenes alone shape the plant's aroma and sheds new light on the complex symphony of scents that define different cannabis varieties.
Magazine Hemp's Heroic Role in Agriculture: Enhancing Wine Quality and Soil Health in New Zealand Vineyards Thanks to a new study conducted over three years in New Zealand's Marlborough wine region it was discovered that hemp not only enhances the quality of the wine produced, but also improves the health of the vineyard soil.
Magazine Hemp Protein Next: EU's Plant-Powered Future On an ordinary October day in 2023, the European Parliament did something quite extraordinary. They adopted a report with a big name - the "European Protein Strategy." But what's all the fuss about? This report shines a light on a critical issue - the EU'
Magazine Flexitarians: The Most Important Target Group for Plant-Based Products Contrary to what many assume, the main consumer groups for meat, fish and dairy alternatives are neither vegans nor vegetarians, but flexitarians. Learn more about them here.
Magazine How Hemp contributes to EU Green Deal objectives Hemp can make a decisive contribution to achieving a large number of goals set by the European Green Deal initiative.
Magazine Hemp prolongs the Life of Honey Bees, according to a New Study Hemp keeps honey bees young: A new study has shown that hemp extracts significantly extend the life of honey bees by providing them with powerful antioxidants.
Magazine The 10 Best Uses of Hemp - A Versatile All-Rounder? Over 25,000 different products can be made from hemp, making it one of the most useful crops in the world! Learn more about the most important and interesting uses of hemp in this article.
Magazine Hemp Biomass for Bioenergy Production: Is it Safe? Spent hemp biomass is generally considered waste in agriculture, but the truth is that it is far from useless. In this article, we inform you on the hidden economic value of hemp biomass for bioenergy production.
Magazine Potential of Hemp for Decontamination of Radioactive Soil The use of hemp for Phytoremediation to decontaminate radioactive soil is becoming one of the most important areas of research today.
Magazine Hemp Around the World - Countries to Watch in the Growing Industry In this article, follow us on a quick trip around the world and learn which countries have become hotspots for hemp production.
Magazine Hemp vs. Cotton: 12 Reasons why Hemp is the Better Choice Hemp is more sustainable, environmentally friendly and higher yielding than cotton. In this article, we'll give you 12 reasons why hemp may be a better choice.
Magazine What role does Hemp play in the Automotive Industry? What role does hemp play in the automotive industry and why are there no hemp cars for sale yet? Find it out here.